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New Years Day Celebration

Jump Start 2024 in Collective Celebration, Intention and Play!

1PM - Tea Time: Gather and Greet

1:30PM - MOVEMENT ACTIVATION Primal Embodiment w/ Stephy

Explore, Open and Nourish your body temple. A blend of contemporary Yoga, Dance and vocalization techniques to nurture authentic power, play and expression. Drummers Welcome!!

2:30PM- Astrology & Crystal Tones Sound Bath Meditation with Becky Shanks

3:00PM- Collective Journaling & Intention Sharing Circle

After the sharing circle has completed, we will have open space for a music jam ( bring your instruments!), dancing, talking, nature walks, emergent offerings/performances/activities from the community. We encourage everyone to attend the full experience, to amplify our collective intentions and connection as we launch into a new year of community together.

December 16

MURMURR - Warm Community

July 20

MURMURR at Piedmont Park