30-Day Health Commitment Challenge

Community-based solutions to healthcare

Health Improvements Guaranteed*

*Your commitment is required

Commit to your health and schedule a call with our Health Promotion Specialist, Josh Wayne, MSW, MPH

30-Day Health Improvement Challenge

If you follow our program with 80% compliance and you don’t see tangible health benefits in 30 days, we will refund your investment.

Developed by our Health Behavior Specialist, Joshua Wayne MSW, MPH.

We know from the medical literature that a whole food, plant-based diet is the only diet that can prevent and reverse heart disease, our nation’s leading killer (Ornish, 1998). We also know that this diet can help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides, and stabilize blood sugars (see our success story below). Unfortunately, this diet doesn’t work if you don’t follow it. It’s one thing for your physician to recommend a whole food plant-based diet for the prevention and reversal of America’s top 15 leading killers. It is another thing to implement a new lifestyle in the context of your family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Our health behaviors are contagious, and we need community support to live a healthy lifestyle.

Our theory of change is two-pronged. On the one hand, we work with people who are committed to transforming their health. We work with you to set goals, identify barriers, and overcome obstacles as you watch the weight come off, blood levels normalize, and energy return to your body. Additionally, we connect you with our growing health-focused community - Whole. We believe that social support and the knowledge and skills necessary to cook healthy food will help you attain your goals and have fun on the journey to health.

We created this Challenge for you to experience the power of plant-based medicine with guaranteed success contingent upon your commitment to follow the program. We have seen this program change lives and look forward to helping you implement these life-saving habits.

Josh spent his graduate school education in UGA’s College of Public Health, studying chronic diseases, specifically heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. He took this path because he saw how a healthy lifestyle helped him reverse chronic irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). With a desire to never again experience the pains of chronic illness, Josh set out on a mission to learn about health-promoting lifestyles, how to implement them, and how to help others do the same.

We want to be clear: if you commit to your health and you commit to a whole food plant-based diet, you will see your health tangibly improve. We will work with your doctor to coordinate care so that you are safely supported and any medication you may be taking can be adjusted. This is especially important for statins or blood pressure medications that will need to be adjusted often within a few days of changing your diet. There is no time like the present moment to commit to your Health.

A Successful Plant-Based Community Jumpstart in Macon, GA by Macon Beets

While in graduate school, Josh worked part-time as a Regional Manager and, later, Development Coordinator for PlantPure Communities (PPC). Together with PPC, he helped group leaders across the country carry out a 10-day plant-based jumpstart with remarkable success.

For example, in February 2022, Macon, Georgia, leaders Carol Kimsey and Gail Moulton led 31 people through a 10-day jumpstart. The average participant lost 4lbs, dropped their cholesterol 16%, lowered triglycerides by 17%, and blood glucose by 10%. When Josh visited the participants in person, it was clear they were not fully compliant and still saw blood pressure normalize and blood readings improve.

“This jumpstart showed me that even when the participants doubted the program’s likelihood of success and even when they struggled with compliance, they still saw rapid improvement.” -Josh Wayne

“When I transitioned to a whole food, plant-based diet, I found that I was able to enjoy more diversity and flavors than ever before. I have consumed over 250 species of native plants and mushrooms, and I continue to taste new and exciting foods on a daily basis.”

-Josh Wayne MSW, MPH Head Forager of Whole Inc.

Meet Your Health Promotion Team

Work with Josh or Steph and commit to your health today!

  • When Josh was just 16 years old, he was diagnosed with IBS, a torn Librium, and an alternating yet chronic case of anxiety and depression. The doctors were unsure of a sustainable path forward and that’s when he embarked on his healing journey.

    Josh surrounded himself with teachers who guided him with knowledge of a whole food plant-based diet, breath work, and non-violent communication. Josh co-founded Whole Atlanta in order to share these teachings with his community and to give others the ability to heal with the tools he used to heal himself.

    Josh has healed his IBS, lost 40 pounds and kept it off for 13 years, and helped dozens of individuals lose weight, lower their cholesterol, normalize HBA1C, and find more well-being in their lives. Josh has cooked delicious whole-food, plant-based meals daily for the past ten years and he has developed the skills to make quick, tasty, and healthy meals.

  • Stephy Joy brings her passion for embodiment into every ceremony, with over 20 years of teaching movement, including classical and contemporary dance, classical and modern yoga, strength & postural training, and Thai yoga massage. She is a Usui Reiki Master, with further explorations in Tantra, Educational kinesiology, and Fitzmaurice Voice work.

    Stephy Joy weaves the wisdom she has received into each ritual, believing movement is medicine and that embodiment is the key to greater health, happiness, and harmony.

    Steph has completed her training in plant-based nutrition with Cornell and cooks delicious whole-food plant-based meals for our Thursday events and her family.

If you want to join our healthy community (synaGaia) and Thursday night gatherings, apply now!